Serbian Patriarch Condemns Srebrenica Genocide Resolution

Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije criticizes a proposed resolution on the Srebrenica genocide, accusing it of labeling Serbs as perpetrators while ignoring crimes against them. He emphasizes the suffering of Serbs in the 20th century and calls for acknowledgment of their pain in the path to reconciliation.

Salman Akhtar
New Update
Serbian Patriarch Condemns Srebrenica Genocide Resolution

Serbian Patriarch Condemns Srebrenica Genocide Resolution

In his Easter message, Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch Porfirije strongly criticized the proposed Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, accusing its supporters of trying to label the Serbian people as perpetrators of genocide while ignoring the crimes committed against Serbs.

Why this matters: The Patriarch's condemnation of the resolution highlights the ongoing controversy and divisions surrounding the Srebrenica genocide, which continues to impact regional relations and reconciliation efforts. The debate also has broader implications for how genocide is defined and recognized internationally, with potential consequences for future conflict resolution and accountability.

The Patriarch emphasized the suffering endured by the Serbian people, stating, "We suffered in every hamlet, every village and every city. The truthfulness of that suffering did not need to be confirmed by imposed amoral resolutions." He further lamented, "Regrettably, the world we live in has forgotten the genocide against Serbs in the 20th century and the centuries that preceded it."

While acknowledging the crimes committed in Srebrenica, Patriarch Porfirije stressed, "We do not minimize the extent of the crimes in Srebrenica, but, as Orthodox Serbs, we are not silent about the crimes against the Serbian people in the vicinity of Srebrenica." He pointed out that the resolution's proponents have disregarded the atrocities against Serbs in the area, where entire families were wiped out between 1992 and 1995.

The Patriarch's message comes as a response to the proposed Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, which he believes aims to proclaim the Serbian people as perpetrators of genocide. He highlighted the suffering of the Serbian people in the First and Second World Wars and the centuries preceding them.

In his message, Patriarch Porfirije also expressed deep concern for the Serbian people living in Kosovo and Metohija, who face violence and persecution for being Orthodox Christians and Serbs. He called on the faithful to pray for and support their suffering brothers and sisters in the region, who are living in a state of fear and injustice.

The Patriarch's powerful Easter message underscores the importance of remembering the suffering of the Serbian people and not allowing historical revisionism to distort the truth. His words serve as a reminder that the path to reconciliation and healing must involve acknowledging the pain and losses experienced by all sides in the complex conflicts that have plagued the region.

Key Takeaways

  • Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije criticizes proposed Resolution on Srebrenica genocide.
  • Patriarch accuses resolution supporters of labeling Serbian people as genocide perpetrators.
  • He emphasizes suffering of Serbian people, citing crimes against them in Srebrenica and elsewhere.
  • Patriarch expresses concern for Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija facing violence and persecution.
  • He calls for acknowledging pain and losses on all sides for reconciliation and healing.