Omar Sy Calls for Unity in France Amid Far-Right Rise and Racism Against Black Artists

"French actor Omar Sy speaks out against rising far-right support and racism faced by black artists like Aya Nakamura, calling for unity and defense of France's republican values to counter fragmentation and discrimination."

Mahnoor Jehangir
New Update
Omar Sy Calls for Unity in France Amid Far-Right Rise and Racism Against Black Artists

Omar Sy Calls for Unity in France Amid Far-Right Rise and Racism Against Black Artists

Omar Sy, the star of the hit Netflix series Lupin, has spoken out about the need for France to rebuild a sense of collective unity in the face of rising support for the far right. In recent comments, Sy highlighted the difficulties faced by black people in France, pointing to the racist backlash against pop star Aya Nakamura as a troubling example.

Sy, one of France's most popular and successful actors, said notions of justice, equality and fraternity in the country have been shaken. "It is challenging to be a black person in France," he stated bluntly. The actor, who is the son of immigrants from West Africa and grew up in the banlieue suburbs, said his background makes him a kind of symbol. "I am aware that my success as a black French actor has become a political issue," Sy acknowledged.

As a case in point, Sy referenced the experience of Aya Nakamura, the most-listened-to French singer in the world. Despite her immense global popularity, with over 7 billion views of her catchy hits, Nakamura has been the target of racism and ignorance in France. When rumors circulated that she might perform at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Nakamura faced criticism from far-right and right-wing politicians and media outlets.

Critics claimed Nakamura was not "French enough," exposing racist and classist attitudes. Politicians expressed discontent at the possibility of her being the main attraction at the Olympics. The attacks prompted an investigation by the promoter of Paris and a complaint filed by the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism.

Nakamura, who grew up in the suburbs of Paris like Sy, has been criticized for her use of slang in her music, which some see as improper French. However, Sy and other artists have defended her, arguing she represents a new generation and communicates the way young people in France speak today.

Why this matters: The controversy surrounding Aya Nakamura and the comments by Omar Sy underscore the ongoing struggle against racism and discrimination faced by black artists and citizens in France. As the country grapples with the rise of the far right, the call for rebuilding a sense of collective unity and defending values of equality and justice has taken on greater urgency.

Sy warned against people "spewing hatred" and peddling an image of a "France of the past," cautioning that those ideas have led the country to dark places historically. He emphasized the vital importance of moving away from the fragmentation of individualism and restoring a sense of the collective good. "Everyone in the public space is talking about the individual and has forgotten the group," Sy observed. The actor said it is essential to hold back the far right by defending France's republican values and strengthening social cohesion.

Key Takeaways

  • Omar Sy, star of Lupin, calls for unity against rising far-right in France.
  • Sy highlights racism faced by black artists like Aya Nakamura in France.
  • Nakamura criticized for her use of slang, seen as "not French enough".
  • Controversy exposes ongoing struggle against racism and discrimination in France.
  • Sy emphasizes need to defend France's republican values and social cohesion.