Peru's President Dina Boluarte Testifies in Rolex Watches Corruption Probe

Peruvian President Boluarte under investigation for alleged possession of luxury Rolex watches, raising questions about government integrity. Prosecutors expand probe, seize evidence from regional governor, with potential implications for political stability.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Peru's President Dina Boluarte Testifies in Rolex Watches Corruption Probe

Peru's President Dina Boluarte Testifies in Rolex Watches Corruption Probe

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte provided statements to the Prosecutor's Office under extreme security measures on April 25, 2024, as part of an expanded preliminary investigation into alleged crimes of improper passive bribery and illicit enrichment related to her possession of luxury Rolex watches.

The Prosecutor's Office seized three Rolex watches and a bracelet that belonged to Wilfredo Oscorima, the regional governor of Ayacucho, who admitted to lending the luxury watches to Boluarte. Oscorima, a businessman with several open corruption investigations against him, is also under investigation for alleged active bribery crimes in connection with the case.

Boluarte had previously admitted to accepting the watches as a loan from Oscorima but denied owning other valuable jewelry. After a raid on the president's home and the Government Palace on March 30, Boluarte testified for more than five hours before the Prosecutor's Office on April 5, denying the possession of Rolex watches and other jewelry valued at thousands of dollars.

Why this matters: The corruption probe into President Boluarte's alleged possession of luxury watches raises questions about the integrity of Peru's highest office. The outcome of this investigation could have significant implications for the stability of the Peruvian government and public trust in its leaders.

The Peruvian Prosecutor's Office continues to investigate the case, with Boluarte's testimony and the seized evidence from Oscorima serving as key components in determining any wrongdoing. As the probe progresses, the nation watches closely to see how this high-profile corruption case will be resolved and its potential impact on Peru's political landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Peruvian President Boluarte investigated for alleged bribery, luxury watches
  • Prosecutor seized Rolex watches lent to Boluarte by regional governor Oscorima
  • Boluarte denied owning luxury watches, testified for 5 hours before prosecutors
  • Corruption probe raises questions about integrity of Peru's highest office
  • Investigation's outcome could impact stability of Peruvian government, public trust