Nicolás Maduro Removes Néstor Reverol as Minister of Electric Energy Amid Cabinet Reshuffle

Venezuelan President Maduro reshuffles cabinet, replacing Energy Minister Reverol with Márquez, in bid to address country's energy crisis. Effectiveness of changes will be closely watched.

Nimrah Khatoon
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Nicolás Maduro Removes Néstor Reverol as Minister of Electric Energy Amid Cabinet Reshuffle

Nicolás Maduro Removes Néstor Reverol as Minister of Electric Energy Amid Cabinet Reshuffle

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced a cabinet reshuffle on April 22, 2024, which included the removal of Néstor Reverol from his position as Minister of Electric Energy.

Reverol will now take over as head of Corpozulia, while Jorge Eliézer Márquez, who previously served as Minister of Electricity, will become the new Minister of Electric Energy.

The cabinet changes, referred to as 'Movida de mata' by some media outlets, are part of Maduro's efforts to address the ongoing energy crisis in Venezuela. Márquez will be responsible for finding solutions to the country's power shortages and improving the overall efficiency of the electric grid.

In addition to the changes in the energy sector, Maduro also announced that Aníbal Coronado will be taking over as the Minister of the Office of the Presidency, indicating a further shift in his administration's leadership.

Why this matters: These cabinet reshuffles demonstrate Maduro's commitment to tackling the challenges facing Venezuela's energy sector and his willingness to make bold moves to address the country's pressing needs. The success or failure of these new appointments could have significant implications for the daily lives of Venezuelans, who have been dealing with frequent power outages and energy shortages.

The reasons for Reverol's removal from his position as Minister of Electric Energy were not provided in the official announcement. However, these cabinet changes show Maduro's recognition of the need for new leadership and fresh approaches to solve Venezuela's energy crisis. As the country continues to navigate through economic and political challenges, the effectiveness of these cabinet reshuffles will be closely watched by both the Venezuelan people and the international community.

Key Takeaways

  • Maduro reshuffled his cabinet and removed Reverol as Energy Minister
  • Márquez appointed as new Energy Minister to address power crisis
  • Coronado takes over as Minister of the Office of the Presidency
  • Cabinet changes aim to tackle Venezuela's ongoing energy challenges
  • The effectiveness of new appointments will be closely watched