Mayo Clinic Professor Discusses Chronic Diarrhea Diagnosis and Treatment at ACP Meeting

Chronic diarrhea affects 1 in 20 patients, and Dr. Lacy's presentation at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting provides healthcare professionals with guidance on effective diagnostic strategies and treatment options to improve patient care.

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Mayo Clinic Professor Discusses Chronic Diarrhea Diagnosis and Treatment at ACP Meeting

Mayo Clinic Professor Discusses Chronic Diarrhea Diagnosis and Treatment at ACP Meeting

At the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting in Boston, Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic, delivered a presentation on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea, defined as lasting 4 weeks or more, affects approximately 1 in 20 patients, making it a common condition encountered by healthcare professionals.

Dr. Lacy emphasized the importance of distinguishing chronic diarrhea from acute diarrhea, which typically lasts 7 days or fewer. He stressed the need for physicians to be "great detectives" when identifying the underlying causes of chronic diarrhea. This involves looking for warning signs such as unintentional weight loss, anemia, and family history of gastrointestinal disorders.

During his presentation, Dr. Lacy highlighted the "five C's" as the key diagnostic tests for evaluating patients with chronic diarrhea. These tests include colonoscopy, cross-sectional imaging, capsule endoscopy, culture, and celiac serology. By utilizing these diagnostic tools, healthcare providers can gain a better understanding of the patient's condition and determine the most appropriate treatment approach.

Why this matters:

Dr. Lacy's presentation at the ACP Internal Medicine Meeting serves as a valuable resource for healthcare providers seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in managing chronic diarrhea. By emphasizing the importance of thorough diagnostic evaluation and highlighting the key tests involved, Dr. Lacy aims to equip physicians with the tools necessary to provide optimal care for their patients with this challenging condition.

Key Takeaways

  • Chronic diarrhea affects 1 in 20 patients, lasting ≥4 weeks.
  • Distinguish chronic from acute diarrhea (≤7 days) to identify causes.
  • Key diagnostic tests: colonoscopy, imaging, capsule endoscopy, culture, celiac serology.
  • Chronic diarrhea significantly impacts quality of life, requiring thorough evaluation.
  • Presentation aims to guide healthcare providers in managing chronic diarrhea.