New Pathology Test to Identify Respiratory Viruses Within 24 Hours in Australia

Australian scientists develop a new pathology test that can quickly identify 14 respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, enabling faster diagnosis and treatment. The ADAPT study also provides optimism for long COVID patients' recovery.

Geeta Pillai
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New Pathology Test to Identify Respiratory Viruses Within 24 Hours in Australia

New Pathology Test to Identify Respiratory Viruses Within 24 Hours in Australia

Australian scientists have developed a new pathology test that can quickly identify 14 different respiratory viruses, enabling patients to determine if their symptoms are caused by a minor illness or something more serious. The PlexPlus test, developed by the company SpeeDx, will provide results within 24 hours, giving Australians faster access to information about the specific virus causing their illness.

The new test will be used to indicate if patients have the flu, COVID-19, or one of 14 different respiratory viruses. It will be available at general practitioners (GPs) and will have a similar function to the current COVID-19 nasal PCR tests. SpeeDx aims to have the PlexPlus test approved for use during this year's upcoming flu season.

Why this matters: This new diagnostic tool represents an important advancement in pathology testing and disease detection in Australia. It could help improve healthcare and disease management by enabling faster diagnosis and treatment of respiratory illnesses.

In related news, the ADAPT study, launched in 2020, has been following up with patients who were infected with COVID-19 during the first wave in Australia. The latest findings show that blood markers indicating immune system dysregulation in long COVID patients have largely resolved after two years. While 62% of patients reported an improvement in their quality of life, around one-third still experience ongoing impacts, likely due to a range of underlying causes.

The researchers are interested in exploring this further and acknowledge that the findings may not translate to vaccinated cohorts or those who contracted later variants. "The study provides optimism that gradual recovery is possible for some long COVID patients, but more research is needed to understand why some do not improve," the researchers stated.

Pathology testing is a significant business in Australia, with providers receiving almost $3.25 billion in Medicare rebates for out-of-hospital tests in 2022-23. However, the fees for these tests have been frozen for almost a quarter of a century, which the industry group Australian Pathology argues is unfair. They are calling for an extra $160 million per year to keep most out-of-hospital pathology tests free for the public.

The development of the PlexPlus test and the findings from the ADAPT study provide important insights into the diagnosis and management of respiratory illnesses in Australia. As the country prepares for the upcoming flu season, the availability of rapid and accurate pathology testing will be crucial in helping healthcare providers effectively treat patients and control the spread of infectious diseases.

Key Takeaways

  • Australian scientists developed a new pathology test to quickly identify 14 respiratory viruses.
  • The PlexPlus test will provide results within 24 hours, enabling faster diagnosis and treatment.
  • The ADAPT study found immune system improvements in long COVID patients after 2 years.
  • Pathology testing in Australia receives $3.25 billion in Medicare rebates, but fees have been frozen.
  • Rapid and accurate pathology testing is crucial for managing respiratory illnesses in Australia.