Albania's Ombudsman Calls for Protection of Press Freedom Amid Increasing Violations

Albania's People's Advocate releases a report on World Press Freedom Day, highlighting recent violations of journalists' rights and urging institutions to ensure their safety. Journalists protest in front of Parliament, citing 30 incidents of rights violations in 15 months, including threats and violence.

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Albania's Ombudsman Calls for Protection of Press Freedom Amid Increasing Violations

Albania's Ombudsman Calls for Protection of Press Freedom Amid Increasing Violations

Albania's People's Advocate released a comprehensive report on World Press Freedom Day, emphasizing the critical importance of safeguarding freedom of expression as a cornerstone of a democratic society. The report highlights recent violations of journalists' rights and urges institutions to ensure that journalists can carry out their duties with integrity and without fear of reprisal.

Why this matters: The erosion of press freedom can have far-reaching consequences for a country's democratic institutions and the ability of citizens to hold those in power accountable. The erosion of press freedom can have far-reaching consequences for a country's democratic institutions and the ability of citizens to hold those in power accountable. If left unchecked, declining press freedom can lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, seriously threatening the rule of law and democratic governance.

The report focuses on the case of journalist Elton Qyno, whose rights were violated by the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecution Office (SPAK). The People's Advocate concluded that SPAK's intervention was unnecessary and stated, "every state activity must be carried out with human rights at the center." The report stresses that institutions must work diligently to guarantee journalists' freedom of expression.

"On the day of Freedom of the Press, we must keep in mind that the right of expression remains the foundation of a democratic society,"the People's Advocate emphasized. The report highlights the need for institutions to engage constructively in preserving and ensuring press freedom in Albania.

The People's Advocate's report comes amidst growing concerns over the decline of press freedom in Albania. The country recently dropped three positions in the annual World Index for Freedom of the Press published by Reporters Without Borders. Alfred Lela, director of the press office of the Democratic Party, blamed the government for this decline.

Albanian journalists and media workers gathered in front of Parliament to protest the increasing violations of their rights, with 30 reported incidents in the last 15 months. Journalists held posters highlighting news about violence against them, including the killing of a media worker in 2023 and threatening messages from local authorities.

Journalist Ola Xama, who was threatened by Tirana Mayor Erjon Veliaj, emphasized the need for journalists to be more active in demanding their rights. Isa Myzyraj stated that being a journalist in Albania is difficult because of the high intensity of attacks, citing incidents of government officials threatening journalists. He believes the main problems arise in state institutions and are exported through media editorial offices, where censorship and self-censorship are major issues.

Osman Stafa expressed concern that the media situation in Albania is becoming more dramatic, with politics increasing pressure on media and journalists. Investigative journalists face political pressure and threats. Denada Kola Jushi noted a deterioration in the language towards journalists and difficulties in obtaining necessary information to inform the public.

The People's Advocate's report serves as a significant institutional tool to promote high standards of justice and freedom of expression in Albania. The country faces declining press freedom, institutions must prioritize the protection of journalists' rights and ensure they can carry out their vital role in a democratic society without fear of retaliation or censorship.

Key Takeaways

  • Albania's People's Advocate emphasizes importance of safeguarding freedom of expression on World Press Freedom Day.
  • Erosion of press freedom can lead to lack of transparency and accountability, threatening democratic governance.
  • Journalist Elton Qyno's rights were violated by SPAK, highlighting need for institutions to protect journalists' freedom.
  • Albania dropped three positions in World Index for Freedom of the Press, sparking concerns over declining press freedom.
  • Journalists and media workers protest increasing violations of their rights, demanding protection and freedom to report.