Taiwan Seizes 17,920 kg of Chinese Kiwifruit Due to Excessive Pesticide Residue

Taiwan FDA seizes Chinese kiwifruit shipment with excessive pesticide levels, underscoring its vigilance in safeguarding food safety and public health.

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Taiwan Seizes 17,920 kg of Chinese Kiwifruit Due to Excessive Pesticide Residue

Taiwan Seizes 17,920 kg of Chinese Kiwifruit Due to Excessive Pesticide Residue

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) has seized a 17,920-kilogram shipment of fresh kiwifruit imported from Shaanxi, China, after detecting excessive levels of the fungicidal pesticide procymidone. The consignment, handled by Grand Bay Fresh Fruits Co., Ltd. in Taipei, contained 0.06 ppm of procymidone, surpassing the maximum permissible limit of 0.01 ppm.

The seizure was part of broader border control measures by the TFDA, which also intercepted other food items and goods, including desserts from Vietnam containing illegal preservatives, Thai curry paste with a banned sweetener, and Korean pizza sauce with excessive preservatives. These actions underscore the TFDA's ongoing efforts to safeguard food safety in Taiwan.

Why this matters: The TFDA's vigilance in monitoring imported food products is vital for protecting public health and maintaining consumer confidence in Taiwan's food supply. Excessive pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables can pose potential risks to human health if consumed regularly over time.

In response to the incident, a TFDA spokesperson emphasized the agency's commitment to rigorous inspections and enforcement of food safety regulations. "We will continue to closely monitor imported food products and take swift action against any violations to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens," the spokesperson stated.

Key Takeaways

  • TFDA seized 17,920 kg of Chinese kiwifruit due to excessive pesticide levels.
  • TFDA also intercepted other imported food items with illegal additives.
  • TFDA's actions aim to safeguard food safety and consumer confidence in Taiwan.
  • Excessive pesticide residues can pose health risks if consumed regularly.
  • TFDA vows to continue rigorous inspections and enforcement of food safety regulations.