Airbnb Travelers Face Last-Minute Cancellations and Poor Customer Service

Airbnb users report issues with last-minute cancellations, unsatisfactory properties, and poor customer support, raising concerns about the reliability of vacation rental platforms. Airbnb acknowledges the problems and pledges to improve, but users remain skeptical.

Nitish Verma
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Airbnb Travelers Face Last-Minute Cancellations and Poor Customer Service

Airbnb Travelers Face Last-Minute Cancellations and Poor Customer Service

Airbnb users are increasingly reporting issues with last-minute cancellations, unsatisfactory property conditions, and inadequate customer support, leading to frustrating experiences for travelers. In recent months, numerous complaints have surfaced regarding hosts canceling reservations just days or even hours before check-in, leaving guests scrambling to find alternative accommodations.

One user shared their experience of having their booking canceled due to a fraudulent host account, only to face difficulties in obtaining a refund from Airbnb. "I had my reservation cancelled the day before I was supposed to check in, and it took weeks of back-and-forth with customer service to finally get my money back," the user stated.

Others have reported arriving at their booked properties only to find them in unsanitary or unsafe conditions. A guest described their rental as being covered in "dirt, grime, and lacking basic amenities," yet they were offered an inadequate refund when they raised their concerns to Airbnb.

The issue extends beyond individual hosts, with some travelers falling victim to networks of low-quality listings. Jürgen Horn and his partner Mike booked an apartment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, through, enticed by the advertised views and location. However, upon arrival, they found the unit to be in a "disgusting" state, with problems like black mold, hazardous furniture, and clogged drains. Despite their misgivings, the couple chose to stay, as complaining to the host seemed pointless. On their departure day, the host never appeared, and they never received their deposit back.

Jürgen later discovered that the listing belonged to a "network of low-quality apartments companies in Kuala Lumpur" that utilize fake reviews and photos, only to shut down the listing and create a new one under a different company name once they receive enough negative reviews. has since apologized, provided a refund, and pledged to investigate the issues raised by the couple.

Why this matters: The growing number of complaints about last-minute cancellations and subpar accommodations on Airbnb and similar platforms raises concerns about the reliability and trustworthiness of these services. As more travelers rely on vacation rentals for their trips, it is critical for companies like Airbnb to address these issues and improve their customer support to ensure a positive experience for their users.

In response to the increasing complaints, Airbnb has acknowledged the need to address these problems and has pledged to investigate the reported incidents. The company has also stated that it will work on improving its customer service and support for both hosts and guests to prevent future occurrences of last-minute cancellations and unsatisfactory property conditions. However, many users remain skeptical and have expressed a loss of trust in the platform, with some vowing to book directly with property owners in the future to avoid such issues.

Key Takeaways

  • Airbnb users report issues with last-minute cancellations, poor property conditions, and inadequate support.
  • Guests face difficulties obtaining refunds after hosts cancel bookings or properties fail to meet expectations.
  • Some listings are part of networks using fake reviews and photos to hide low-quality accommodations.
  • The reliability and trustworthiness of vacation rental platforms are being questioned by concerned travelers.
  • Airbnb acknowledges the problems and promises to improve customer service, but users remain skeptical.