Nepal Supreme Court to Hear Case Challenging TikTok Ban Amid Corruption Claims

Nepal's Supreme Court to hear case challenging TikTok ban, seen as a fight for free speech. Lawyer argues ban aimed to conceal government corruption exposed on the platform, impacting creators and small businesses.

Salman Akhtar
New Update
Nepal Supreme Court to Hear Case Challenging TikTok Ban Amid Corruption Claims

Nepal Supreme Court to Hear Case Challenging TikTok Ban Amid Corruption Claims

The Nepal Supreme Court is set to hear a case challenging the government's ban on the popular video-sharing platform TikTok. Lawyer Sunil Rajan Singh filed the case, arguing that the ban was an effort by the government to hide its wrongdoings.

The ban was imposed last year, with the government claiming that TikTok was spreading content that damaged Nepal's "social harmony." However, Singh believes the real reason for the ban was to conceal corruption and financial embezzlement by government leaders that were being exposed on the platform. "TikTok was used to expose corruption and financial embezzlement by government leaders," Singh stated.

The case is being seen as a fight for freedom of speech and expression, as guaranteed by Nepal's constitution. The ban has had a significant impact on content creators and small businesses that were using TikTok to earn a living, with many seeing their incomes plummet. Twin sisters Prisma and Princy Khatiwada, who had built a following of nearly 8 million on TikTok, have seen a drastic decline in their viewership since the ban.

Why this matters: The TikTok ban in Nepal highlights the growing tensions between governments and social media platforms, as well as the importance of freedom of expression and access to information. The Supreme Court's decision on the case could have significant implications for the future of TikTok and other social media platforms in the country.

The case is expected to be heard by the Supreme Court next week, with a decision anticipated later this year. Free speech advocates and content creators are hopeful that the court will lift the restriction on TikTok. "The TikTok ban has been condemned by free speech advocates and has been seen as a blow to the country's content creators and influencers, who were earning and gaining opportunities through the platform," Singh noted.

Key Takeaways

  • Nepal's Supreme Court to hear case challenging TikTok ban.
  • Lawyer argues ban was to conceal government corruption exposed on TikTok.
  • Case seen as fight for freedom of speech and expression.
  • Ban impacted content creators and small businesses using TikTok.
  • Court's decision could have significant implications for TikTok in Nepal.