WhatsApp Outage Affects Over 1.75 Million Users as Tech Glitches Plague Major Companies

Tech outages surge as online services grow more complex, affecting millions worldwide. Experts warn of rising risks and call for resilience amid innovation. Apple's China app removals highlight global tensions over internet control.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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WhatsApp Outage Affects Over 1.75 Million Users as Tech Glitches Plague Major Companies

WhatsApp Outage Affects Over 1.75 Million Users as Tech Glitches Plague Major Companies

On April 3, 2024, Meta's WhatsApp messaging service experienced a widespread outage that affected over 1.75 million users worldwide, according to the website Downdetector, which monitors web outages. The incident is part of a growing trend of more frequent tech outages due to increasing complexity and reliance on cloud services.

In addition to the WhatsApp outage, other major companies like Greggs, Apple, and McDonald's also faced IT glitches in March and April 2024. Apple notably removed popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal from its iPhone app store in China at the request of the Chinese government, citing national security concerns. This move indicates China's growing intolerance towards foreign online messaging services that fall outside its control and less leeway for Apple in its largest overseas market.

Why this matters: The rising occurrence and impact of tech outages highlight the growing dependence on online services and the vulnerability of complex, interconnected systems. As companies push for innovation and new features, the risk of disruptions also rises, affecting millions of users worldwide.

Experts attribute the rise in outages to factors like the addition of new layers and features to the internet, which increases the risk of things going wrong. The internet's basic architecture, which relies on old technology like Border Gateway Protocol, can be vulnerable to configuration issues and other problems, leading to extensive disruptions. Severe weather, power failures, and cyber attacks can also contribute to these outages.

The shift towards cloud-based infrastructure means that a single outage at a cloud service provider can have a cascading effect on multiple platforms and companies. "The growing reliance on online services has made these technical issues an increasingly significant challenge for companies seeking to maintain resilience and innovation," experts note.

While tech outages are not new, the increasing reliance on online services is making them an ever-bigger challenge for firms seeking to prevent them. Experts emphasize the importance of maintaining resilience and keeping services online, even as new technologies are introduced. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on digital platforms, companies face mounting pressure to address the complex factors contributing to these disruptive incidents.

Key Takeaways

  • WhatsApp outage affected 1.75M users worldwide on April 3, 2024.
  • Apple removed messaging apps like WhatsApp from China's App Store due to security concerns.
  • Tech outages are rising due to increasing complexity and cloud reliance.
  • Factors like new internet features, weather, and cyber attacks contribute to outages.
  • Maintaining resilience and preventing outages is a growing challenge for companies.