Rare Sandstone Turtle Sculpture Unearthed at Cambodia's Bayon Temple

Archaeologists uncover rare sandstone turtle sculpture at Cambodia's Bayon Temple, challenging accepted understanding of the site's layout and history.

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Rare Sandstone Turtle Sculpture Unearthed at Cambodia's Bayon Temple

Rare Sandstone Turtle Sculpture Unearthed at Cambodia's Bayon Temple

A team from the APSARA National Authority (ANA) has discovered a rare sandstone turtle sculpture buried beneath a former pond at the Bayon Temple in Siem Reap province, Cambodia. The intricately crafted sculpture, measuring 57cm in length, 43cm across, and 21cm in depth, was found at a depth of 1.5m. This unexpected find challenges existing perceptions of the temple's layout and sheds new light on its historical narrative.

The discovery suggests that the Bayon Temple had two ponds on its eastern side, necessitating a reassessment of the site's historical significance. "This finding serves as tangible evidence of the temple's rich history dating back to the 12th century reign of King Jayavarman VII," stated an ANA spokesperson. The unveiling of this ancient artifact highlights the ANA's dedication to preserving Cambodia's cultural heritage and promoting collaborative efforts in archaeological research.

Why this matters: The discovery of the rare sandstone turtle sculpture at the Bayon Temple is a significant archaeological advancement that provides new insights into the architectural achievements of the ancient Khmer civilization. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing archaeological research in Cambodia and the potential for uncovering more hidden treasures that can enhance our understanding of the country's rich cultural heritage.

The recent uncovering of the foundation of an ancient temple adjacent to the Angkor Park's Lolei Temple further highlights the dynamic history embedded within Cambodia's landscape. As each layer of soil is excavated, the mysteries of the past are gradually revealed, illuminating the remarkable craftsmanship and architectural prowess of Cambodia's ancestors. The ANA remains committed to collaborative archaeological practices to preserve and showcase these invaluable historical treasures for generations to come.

Key Takeaways

  • Rare sandstone turtle sculpture discovered at Bayon Temple, Cambodia.
  • Sculpture challenges existing perceptions of the temple's layout and history.
  • Discovery suggests Bayon Temple had two ponds on its eastern side.
  • Ongoing archaeological research uncovers hidden treasures of Khmer civilization.
  • ANA committed to preserving Cambodia's cultural heritage through collaborative efforts.