Consultant Sought to Strengthen Climate Policy in Iraq

The Community of Practice in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance seeks a consultant to develop a strategy paper on enhancing climate change policy through democratic institutions in Iraq. The consultant will facilitate stakeholder engagement and workshops to explore the nexus between democratic governance and climate change policy.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Consultant Sought to Strengthen Climate Policy in Iraq

Consultant Sought to Strengthen Climate Policy in Iraq

The Community of Practice in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance, a community of 37 organizations operating throughout Iraq, is seeking a consultant to facilitate stakeholder engagement and collaboration, lab, strategy, paper, enhancing, cl in June 2024. The primary objective of this project is to strengthen the Community of Practice (CoP) in Iraq's fields of democracy, human rights, and governance.

Democratic institutions play a crucial role in shaping and implementing effective climate change policies. However, there is a need to explore how these institutions can be leveraged to further strengthen climate change policy. The primary objective of this initiative is to develop a strategy paper that explores how democratic institutions can strengthen climate change policy.

Why this matters: As the world grapples with the escalating climate crisis, effective climate policy formulation and implementation are critical to mitigating its devastating impacts. Strengthening climate policy through democratic institutions can ensure a more inclusive and sustainable approach to addressing this global challenge.

Specifically, the strategy paper will examine the nexus between democratic governance and climate change policy, and identify opportunities for enhancing policy coherence, effectiveness, and inclusivity. The consultant or team responsible for developing the strategy paper will facilitate stakeholder engagement and workshops, and develop a strategy paper that explores the nexus between democratic governance and climate change policy.

The ideal facilitator should possess "demonstrated expertise in climate change advocacy, policy analysis, or related fields," collaboration, lab, strategy, paper, enhancing, cl "proven experience in facilitating workshops, meetings, or similar events with diverse stakeholder groups," "strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to foster collaboration and consensus-building among participants," knowledge of participatory methodologies and tools for engaging stakeholders, familiarity with the socio-political context and environmental challenges specific to Iraq, and fluency in English and Arabic.

Active engagement with relevant stakeholders will be a critical component of this initiative. Stakeholders will be invited to participate in consultations, workshops, and validation processes to provide input and feedback on the draft strategy paper. The workshops are anticipated to take place over a one-day period during June 2024.

Interested facilitators are invited to submit their proposals, including a detailed CV highlighting relevant experience, proposed methodology for facilitating the discussion, and any additional supporting documents, to by 24 May 2024 with the subject: "Strategy Paper: Strengthening Climate Policy via Democratic Institutions". Consultant proposals will be evaluated based on the relevance of experience and qualifications, proposed methodology for facilitating the discussion, and quality of the proposal and supporting documents.

This initiative by the Community of Practice in Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance in Iraq aims to leverage the power of democratic institutions to enhance climate change policy. By developing a comprehensive strategy paper through stakeholder engagement and expert facilitation, the project seeks to identify opportunities for strengthening policy coherence, effectiveness, and inclusivity at the intersection of democratic governance and climate action in Iraq.

Key Takeaways

  • Seeking consultant to facilitate stakeholder engagement and collaboration in Iraq.
  • Project aims to strengthen climate change policy through democratic institutions.
  • Strategy paper will explore nexus between democratic governance and climate policy.
  • Workshops and stakeholder engagement to take place in June 2024.
  • Proposals due by May 24, 2024, to