Body of Missing Israeli Hiker Oren Zamir Found in Peru's Andes

The body of 26-year-old Israeli tourist Oren Zamir, missing since April 15, was found near Lake Mitucocha in Peru's Cordillera Huayhuash mountain range. Zamir apparently fell 100 meters while climbing a steep mountain crest, and his body will be repatriated to Israel for burial.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Body of Missing Israeli Hiker Oren Zamir Found in Peru's Andes

Body of Missing Israeli Hiker Oren Zamir Found in Peru's Andes

The body of Oren Zamir, a 26-year-old Israeli tourist who went missing on April 15, 2024, while trekking in Peru's Cordillera Huayhuash mountain range, has been found. Zamir's remains were discovered on Monday near Lake Mitucocha, at the foot of a cliff in the Andes of Ancash, Peru, at an altitude of over 5,000 meters (16,000 feet) above sea level.

Why this matters: This tragic incident highlights the importance of safety precautions and risk assessment for adventure travelers, particularly in remote and high-altitude areas. It also underscores the need for effectivesearch and rescue operations in such regions, which can be critical in saving lives.

The discovery came after a 28-day search effort conducted by local police, specifically Peru's National Police. The find was communicated to the Prosecutor's Office. Zamir apparently fell from a height of approximately 100 meters while attempting to climb a steep mountain crest.

The joint operation to locate Zamir involved around 10 police officers and experienced mountaineers, both local and foreign. The search was challenging due to the remote and rocky terrain, with the body found in an area difficult to access. "Tras ardua labor de búsqueda, agentes del Departamento de Alta Montaña Áncash localizaron el cuerpo sin vida del ciudadano israelí, desaparecido en el corredor del nevado de Huayhuash. Enviamos nuestras condolencias a sus seres queridos en este momento de dolor," the Peruvian National Police expressed through social media, offering condolences to Zamir's family and loved ones.

Zamir, described as being of sturdy build with short dark hair, white skin, a beard, and a mustache, standing approximately 1.78 meters tall, was last seen wearing a light blue or white polo shirt, dark gray pants, brown-black shoes, and a black backpack. The Israeli Embassy in Peru reported that Zamir was traveling alone and had planned to return to the city of Huaraz between April 24 and 26.

Zamir's body will be transferred to the morgue in the city of Lauricocha, Huánuco, for an autopsy in accordance with Peruvian law before being repatriated to his family for burial, likely in Israel. The tragic incident serves as a somber reminder of the inherent risks associated with high-altitude trekking and mountaineering, even for experienced hikers.

Key Takeaways

  • Oren Zamir, 26, Israeli tourist, found dead in Peru's Cordillera Huayhuash mountain range.
  • Body discovered 28 days after going missing, at 16,000ft altitude, near Lake Mitucocha.
  • Zamir fell 100m while climbing a steep mountain crest, according to investigation.
  • Joint search operation involved 10 police officers and mountaineers from Peru and abroad.
  • Body to be repatriated to Israel for burial after autopsy in Peru.