Institut Pasteur Prepares to Track Viruses Amid Influx of Visitors

Institut Pasteur in Paris recruits diverse professionals for key positions to track viruses amid expected influx of visitors. Various roles, including researchers, project managers, and data analysts, have deadlines between March and June 2024.

Mahnoor Jehangir
New Update
Institut Pasteur Prepares to Track Viruses Amid Influx of Visitors

Institut Pasteur Prepares to Track Viruses Amid Influx of Visitors

TheInstitut Pasteurin Paris is gearing up to track viruses that could potentially be brought by the millions of visitors expected in the coming months. In preparation, the renowned research institution is actively recruiting a diverse range of professionals to fill several key positions across various departments and projects.

Why this matters: The ability to track and respond to viral threats is crucial for maintaining public health, especially in densely populated areas with high volumes of international travel. Effectivevirus tracking can help prevent outbreaks and save lives, making the Institut Pasteur's efforts a vital component of global health security.

Among the crucial roles the Institut Pasteur is seeking to fill are a Préparateur for the Laboratory of Research LR 16 IPT 06 Parasitoses médicales Biotechnologies et Biomolécules, with a deadline of June 1, 2024, and a Chercheur Post-doctorant for the project Contribution à l'implémentation de la médecine de précision pour les maladies génétiques rares par des approches bioinformatiques et génomiques, with applications due by May 20, 2024.

Other vital positions include a Project Manager for the VISION project (deadline May 3, 2024), a Post-doctorant for the BIND project (deadline May 4, 2024), an Informaticien contractuel for the CIC projet 2 (deadline May 3, 2024), and a Post-doc for the unité spécialisée US20IPT01 (deadline April 20, 2024). The institution is also hiring a Post Doc en génétique et génomique Mycobactérienne for the CIC3 CIC project, a Gestionnaire administratif et financier contractuel and an Assistant Universitaire for the NIH TB 2 project, and a POST DOC for the NIH TB 1 project, all with an application deadline of April 10, 2024.

In addition, the Institut Pasteur is seeking an Assistant du Manager scientifique for the Alliance SHS Afrique project (deadline April 4, 2024), a Post Doc en Microbiologie Moléculaire for the Unité Spécialisée des Mycoplasmes Laboratoire de Microbiologie Moléculaire Vaccinologie et Développement Biotechnologique LR16IPT01 (deadline March 30, 2024), an Assistant for the VRR laboratoire MMVDB unité de développement biotechnologique project (deadline March 25, 2024), and a Data Analyst for the INTERACT project (deadline March 19, 2024).

The laboratory LR20IPT02 within the UNIHEALTH Horizon IA project is looking to fill the positions of a Vétérinaire contractuel and a Biologiste Adjoint contractuel, both with a deadline of March 13, 2024. Furthermore, the Alliance SHS Afrique Composante 1 Enquête socio-anthropologique à l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis project requires a Traducteur arabe-français, with applications due by March 5, 2024.

TheInstitut Pasteur'sproactive approach to recruiting top talent across various fields highlights its commitment to staying at the forefront of virus tracking and research. By assembling a diverse and skilled team, the institution aims to effectively monitor and respond to any potential viral threats that may arise from the anticipated influx of visitors to Paris. As the Institut Pasteur continues to strengthen its workforce, it remains well-positioned to safeguard public health and contribute to the global fight against infectious diseases.

Key Takeaways

  • Institut Pasteur in Paris recruits professionals to track viruses amid expected influx of visitors.
  • Virus tracking crucial for public health, especially in densely populated areas.
  • Institut Pasteur seeks diverse range of professionals for various projects and departments.
  • Deadline for applications varies from March 5 to June 1, 2024, for different positions.
  • Institut Pasteur aims to strengthen its workforce to safeguard public health and combat infectious diseases.