UNC MPs Gear Up for Internal Party Elections on June 15

Trinidad and Tobago's United National Congress (UNC) prepares for internal elections on June 15, 2024, with several MPs vying for party leadership positions. The election outcome will impact the party's chances in future general elections and the country's political landscape.

Nitish Verma
New Update
UNC MPs Gear Up for Internal Party Elections on June 15

UNC MPs Gear Up for Internal Party Elections on June 15

Trinidad and Tobago's United National Congress (UNC) is preparing for its internal elections, set to take place on June 15, 2024. The elections are expected to be a significant event for the party, which has been in opposition for the past nine years. Several current Members of Parliament (MPs) have expressed their intention to contest various posts within the party leadership.

Mayaro MP Rushton Paray has announced his plans to field a slate in the upcoming elections. Paray believes that these elections will play a critical role in reforming the party's organization, governance, and management. "If the UNC is to break the cycle of repeated General Election failures which have kept us in opposition for the past nine years, then we must reform the way our party operates and manages its affairs," Paray stated.

Why this matters: The outcome of these internal elections will have a significant impact on the UNC's chances in future general elections, potentially influencing the country's political landscape. A successful reform of the party's organization and governance could lead to a stronger opposition and a more competitive political landscape in Trinidad and Tobago.

Another UNC MP, Anita Haynes-Alleyne, who represents the Tabaquite constituency, is also considering contesting a post in the internal elections. Haynes-Alleyne believes that a successful execution of the election will strengthen the party's position to contest the upcoming general election.

The party's Elections Management Committee has made nomination forms available for several positions, including party chairman, currently held by Oropouche West MP Davendrananth Tancoo, and party organizer, currently held by Couva North MP Ravi Ratiram. However, the position of political leader, currently held by Kamla Persad Bissessar, is not up for election until 2025, according to the party's constitution.

To be eligible for a position, individuals must have been a member of the party for at least 12 months and not be the subject of any pending disciplinary charges. Prospective candidates can submit their nomination papers to the Committee for verification on May 21 by 4pm. The Committee will return the papers to prospective candidates on May 23 with its certification that the nomination will be accepted or with comments on any deficiencies to be corrected. Nomination day is scheduled for Saturday, May 25.

In the 2020 UNC internal election, Kamla Persad Bissessar won with 87.15% of the votes, while Vasant Bharath received 12.85%. Persad Bissessar's margin of victory increased in the 2022 internal election, where she secured 94.70% of the votes, receiving 11,554 votes compared to Fuad Khan's 647 votes at 5.30%.

The upcoming internal elections take place amidst party leadership wrangling and calls for change from several MPs. The UNC has lost some members in the past year, including two councillors and a senator who crossed the floor to join the ruling People's National Movement. As Rushton Paray emphasized, "Building a stronger UNC is critical to building a stronger country." The June 15 elections will be a crucial test for the party as it seeks to revitalize and position itself for future electoral success.

Key Takeaways

  • Trinidad and Tobago's United National Congress (UNC) holds internal elections on June 15, 2024.
  • Several MPs, including Rushton Paray and Anita Haynes-Alleyne, will contest various party leadership posts.
  • The election outcome will impact the UNC's chances in future general elections and the country's political landscape.
  • Nomination forms are available for party chairman, organizer, and other posts, but not for political leader.
  • The election is crucial for the UNC's revitalization and future electoral success.