German Schools See High Rates of Students Converting to Islam

German schools see high rates of Christian students converting to Islam to avoid being outsiders, raising concerns about parallel societies and the erosion of German values.

Wojciech Zylm
New Update
German Schools See High Rates of Students Converting to Islam

German Schools See High Rates of Students Converting to Islam

A recent study has found that German schools are experiencing high rates of Christian students converting to Islam to avoid being outsiders, with some cities like Berlin and Frankfurt having over 80% Muslim students. The influx of migrants from predominantly Muslim countries in recent years has further exacerbated these dynamics, raising concerns about the emergence of "parallel societies" within schools.

The study, conducted by the Criminal Research Institute of Lower Saxony, surveyed 8,539 people, including 300 Muslims. It found that 67.8% of Muslim students prioritize the teachings of the Quran over German laws, and nearly half support Islamic theocracy as the best form of government. Additionally, 35.3% of respondents suggested that insults directed at Islam and its prophet are reason enough for a violent attack.

Muslim students from strict religious families in Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq are also reportedly imposing strict behavioral codes on their peers, particularly girls who behave too "westernized." This has led to challenges of cultural integration and clashes of values within educational institutions.

Why this matters: The high rates of conversion and the emergence of parallel societies in German schools have raised concerns about the erosion of German societal values and the undermining of integration efforts. Addressing these challenges will require collaborative efforts from policymakers, educators, and communities to ensure inclusive and harmonious educational environments for all students.

German politicians have expressed concern over these findings, with some attributing the trend to "systematic indoctrination." They warn that unless "democratic values" are better instilled in students, "social cohesion risks going into a skid." Parents are also seeking counseling for their Christian children who want to convert to Islam in order to fit in at school, highlighting the social pressures faced by non-Muslim students in these environments.

Key Takeaways

  • German schools see high rates of Christian students converting to Islam to avoid being outsiders.
  • Over 80% of students are Muslim in some cities like Berlin and Frankfurt due to migrant influx.
  • 67.8% of Muslim students prioritize Quran over German laws, 48% support Islamic theocracy.
  • 35.3% of respondents justify violent attacks for insults against Islam and its prophet.
  • Concerns raised about erosion of German values and integration challenges in schools.