Two Indonesian Women Establish Learning Center for Marginalized Children on Tegal Island

In Lampung, Indonesia, two women establish a learning center to educate marginalized children on Tegal Island, transforming lives and addressing educational inequalities.

Israel Ojoko
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Two Indonesian Women Establish Learning Center for Marginalized Children on Tegal Island

Two Indonesian Women Establish Learning Center for Marginalized Children on Tegal Island

In Lampung, Indonesia, two women, Uniroh and Maria Novitawati, are making a significant impact on the lives of marginalized children through the establishment of the Pesona Pulau Tegal Community Learning Center (PKBM) on Tegal Island, Pesawaran Regency. The learning center, which opened its doors in 2024, aims to provide informal education and opportunities for the island's previously illiterate children.

Uniroh, a teacher, and Maria Novitawati, a psychologist, joined forces with the goal of bringing education to the neglected children of Tegal Island. Prior to the establishment of the PKBM, the island's children lacked access to proper education, leaving them illiterate and overlooked. The PKBM Pesona Pulau Tegal now stands as the only informal school capable of providing these children with an education on par with their mainland counterparts.

The inspiration for the learning center came in 2016 when Uniroh visited the island and witnessed firsthand the absence of literacy skills among the children. Moved by their plight, she decided to take action and establish the PKBM, giving the children a chance to receive an education and improve their lives.

Since its establishment, the PKBM has made significant strides in transforming the lives of the island's children. The center now boasts various facilities, including classrooms, smart TVs, sewing machines, and a boat that enables volunteer teachers to travel to the island daily. These resources have been instrumental in helping the once-illiterate children become literate students, capable of following the same curriculum as their peers on the mainland.

Why this matters: The establishment of the Pesona Pulau Tegal Community Learning Center highlights the importance of providing equal educational opportunities to marginalized communities. By bringing education to the children of Tegal Island, Uniroh and Maria Novitawati are not only transforming individual lives but also contributing to the overall development and empowerment of the island community.

The success of the PKBM Pesona Pulau Tegal serves as a testament to the dedication and hard work of Uniroh and Maria Novitawati. Their efforts have not only brought hope to the children of Tegal Island but have also set an example for others to follow in addressing educational inequalities in marginalized communities. As the learning center continues to thrive, it holds the promise of a brighter future for the island's children, who now have the opportunity to learn, grow, and reach their full potential.

Key Takeaways

  • Two women established a learning center on Tegal Island, Lampung, Indonesia.
  • The center aims to provide education to previously illiterate, marginalized children.
  • The center offers various facilities and resources to support the children's learning.
  • The center's success highlights the importance of equal educational opportunities.
  • The center's impact transforms individual lives and empowers the island community.