UN Calls for Criminalization of Torture and Cruel Treatment

The UN Human Rights Office calls for the criminalization of torture and cruel treatment, particularly sexual torture during armed conflicts, urging governments to take action and ensure accountability.

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UN Calls for Criminalization of Torture and Cruel Treatment

UN Calls for Criminalization of Torture and Cruel Treatment

The United Nations Human Rights Office has called on authorities in an unspecified location to make torture and cruel, inhuman treatment illegal. The Human Rights Commission urged the government to take action to prevent such human rights violations and ensure accountability for perpetrators.

The UN's appeal comes as part of its ongoing efforts to promote and protect human rights globally. The Human Rights Commission is pressing the authorities to address the issue of torture and cruel treatment through legislative measures and other concrete steps.

The UN Special Rapporteur on torture is currently preparing a report that will examine the challenges, latest developments, and best practices in identifying, documenting, investigating, and prosecuting crimes of sexual torture and other related cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment committed during war and armed conflicts. The report will also analyze the rehabilitation of victims and survivors.

Sexual torture is considered one of the most egregious harms, as it intrudes into the intimate person and includes acts such as forced nudity, sexual assault, rape, and sexual slavery. Despite the severity of these crimes, impunity remains widespread.

The Special Rapporteur aims to deepen understanding of the specificities and particularities in identifying, documenting, investigating, and prosecuting these crimes, as well as the rehabilitation of victims and survivors. The report will focus specifically on sexual torture and related ill-treatment perpetrated during war or armed conflicts, and will not cover other forms of sexual torture such as domestic violence or female genital mutilation.

As part of the report preparation process, the Special Rapporteur is seeking contributions from states, national human rights institutions, national preventive mechanisms, civil society organizations, and academics. These contributions will provide insights into the regulatory frameworks, civilian and military codes, and national legislation regarding the prohibition and criminalization of sexual torture and related ill-treatment during armed conflicts.

Why this matters: The criminalization of torture and cruel treatment is a critical step in upholding human rights and ensuring justice for victims. The UN's call for action underscores the urgent need for governments to take concrete measures to prevent and punish these grave violations, particularly in the context of war and armed conflict.

The UN Human Rights Office's call for the criminalization of torture and cruel treatment highlights the international community's commitment to protecting human rights and holding perpetrators accountable. As the Special Rapporteur prepares the report on sexual torture and related allegations, the contributions from various stakeholders will be crucial in developing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and best practices in addressing these heinous acts.

Key Takeaways

  • UN calls for authorities to make torture and cruel treatment illegal.
  • UN urges government action to prevent rights violations and ensure accountability.
  • UN Rapporteur to examine challenges in identifying, documenting, and prosecuting sexual torture.
  • Sexual torture is considered one of the most egregious harms, with widespread impunity.
  • Criminalization of torture is critical to upholding human rights and ensuring justice for victims.