Meghan Markle's New Lifestyle Brand 'American Riviera Orchard' Faces Criticism Ahead of Launch

Meghan Markle's lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, faces criticism for being expensive and unimpressive. Markle plans a PR campaign to boost her image ahead of the brand's full launch.

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Meghan Markle's New Lifestyle Brand 'American Riviera Orchard' Faces Criticism Ahead of Launch

Meghan Markle's New Lifestyle Brand 'American Riviera Orchard' Faces Criticism Ahead of Launch

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is facing significant challenges with her new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard. The brand, which was announced in March, has been criticized for being both expensive and unimpressive, leaving Markle reportedly devastated.

American Riviera Orchard aims to sell a range of products, including table linens and pet food. However, the only product that has been soft-launched so far is a strawberry jam. This jam was sent to 50 of Markle's closest famous friends, including Kris Jenner and Chrissy Teigen, but it is not yet available for public purchase.

Why this matters: The success or failure of American Riviera Orchard will have implications for the public's perception of Meghan Markle's post-royal career and her ability to build a successful brand. Additionally, the outcome may influence how other royals approach entrepreneurship and their public image.

The criticism surrounding the brand has reportedly left Markle planning a PR campaign to boost her image ahead of the full launch. This move comes as she and Prince Harry continue to navigate their post-royal entrepreneurial ventures, having exited the royal family in 2020.

Royal entrepreneurship is not a new phenomenon, though it has produced mixed results. Successful examples include Marie-Chantal, Crown Princess of Greece, who has run her luxury children's brand since 2000, and Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, who launched his upscale textiles brand, Bernadotte & Kylberg, last year. Princess Märtha Louise of Norway has also ventured into business with several initiatives, including spiritual exercises and partnerships with her fiancé, Durek Verrett, a spiritual shaman.

Despite the criticism, Markle is not the first royal to face challenges in business. Prince Edward's run at Ardent Productions in the early 1990s also met with mixed reviews. However, some royals have found success by redefining their roles. Princess Märtha Louise of Norway said, 'That led me to all the entrepreneurship. It led me to being a princess in a different way and not just the traditional way.'

As Markle prepares for the full launch of American Riviera Orchard, the success of her PR campaign will be crucial in shaping public perception. The initial feedback has highlighted the high expectations placed on royal entrepreneurs, especially those with a global profile like Markle.

With the brand's official launch on the horizon, the coming months will be critical for American Riviera Orchard. The outcome will not only impact Markle's business venture but also her broader public image as she continues to build her post-royal career.

Key Takeaways

  • Meghan Markle's lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, faces criticism for being expensive and unimpressive.
  • The brand's only product so far is a strawberry jam, sent to 50 famous friends, but not available for public purchase.
  • The brand's success or failure will impact Markle's post-royal career and public image.
  • Markle plans a PR campaign to boost her image ahead of the full launch.
  • The outcome will influence how other royals approach entrepreneurship and their public image.