9 Safety Tips for Solo Runners and Hikers from Allison Salerno

Outdoor safety expert shares 9 essential tips for solo runners and hikers to stay secure while exercising in nature, highlighting the importance of preparation and vigilance to minimize risks.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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9 Safety Tips for Solo Runners and Hikers from Allison Salerno

9 Safety Tips for Solo Runners and Hikers from Allison Salerno

Allison Salerno, an expert on outdoor safety, has shared nine essential tips for solo runners and hikers to stay secure while exercising in nature. While there are inherent risks to exercising alone outdoors, such as crime, injuries, and environmental hazards, Salerno emphasizes that these dangers can be well-managed with proper preparation.

According to Salerno, the top threats facing solo runners and hikers are falls, encounters with vehicles, and sudden changes in weather conditions. She advises outdoor enthusiasts, especially women, to trust their instincts, vary their routes, avoid oversharing their location on social media, and maintain awareness of their surroundings at all times.

Other key recommendations include carrying essential gear like a first-aid kit, wearing appropriate footwear, bringing a map of the area, informing someone of your planned route and expected return time, and checking the weather forecast before heading out. Salerno also suggests considering safety devices such as emergency communication tools and customized identification bracelets in case of injury or medical emergency.

Why this matters: Solo outdoor exercise offers numerous physical and mental health benefits, but high-profile tragedies have highlighted the importance of prioritizing personal safety. By following expert advice and taking practical precautions, individuals can confidently enjoy the outdoors while minimizing risks.

Salerno emphasizes that the primary dangers for trail runners and hikers are not crime, but rather factors like tick-borne illnesses, being underprepared for the conditions, and slips and falls. "Overall, the experts stress the importance of being prepared and staying vigilant to safely enjoy the benefits of outdoor exercise," Salerno states. By heeding this practical guidance, solo runners and hikers can take proactive steps to protect themselves and fully embrace the rewards of an active outdoor lifestyle.

Key Takeaways

  • Outdoor safety expert shares 9 tips for solo runners/hikers
  • Top threats: falls, vehicle encounters, sudden weather changes
  • Recommendations: carry gear, inform others, check weather
  • Safety devices like emergency tools and ID bracelets advised
  • Preparation and vigilance key to safely enjoy outdoor exercise