Partly Cloudy to Mostly Cloudy Conditions Expected in South Africa

Detailed weather forecast for South Africa: Partly cloudy with moderate temps, occasional late-night showers, and acceptable air quality. Comprehensive 14-day predictions for the region.

Emmanuel Abara Benson
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Partly Cloudy to Mostly Cloudy Conditions Expected in South Africa

Partly Cloudy to Mostly Cloudy Conditions Expected in South Africa

The weather forecast for South Africa indicates a mix of partly cloudy, cloudy, and mostly cloudy conditions over the next several days. Temperatures are expected to range from lows around 12°C to highs around 26°C. Winds will generally be from the west, south, and southwest, with speeds between 10-30 km/h. There is a 30% chance of late-night showers on one of the days.

According to the comprehensive forecast, partly to mostly cloudy conditions are expected with highs around 75°F (24°C) and lows around 54°F (12°C), with winds from the SSW at 5-10 mph (8-16 km Mostly cloudy skies are predicted with highs around 69°F (21°C) and lows around 53°F (12°C), and winds from the S at 10-15 mph (16-24 km/h).

Intervals of clouds and sunshine are forecast, with highs around 67°F (19°C) and lows around 56°F (13°C), and winds from the NW at 10-20 mph (16-32 km/h). Occasional rain showers are expected later at night.

The forecast also indicates intervals of clouds and sunshine, with highs around 67°F (19°C) and lows around 53°F (12°C), and winds from the SSE at 15-25 mph (24-40 km/h). Sunshine and clouds mixed are expected, with highs around 67°F (19°C) and lows around 53°F (12°C), and winds from the S at 15-25 mph (24-40 km/h). Partly cloudy conditions are forecast, with highs around 68°F (20°C) and lows around 52°F (11°C), and winds from the SSE at 10-20 mph (16-32 km/h).

Another forecast for South Africa indicates clear skies with mild temperatures. The temperature is expected to range from 20°C to 15°C, with a wind speed of 4 km/h from the north. The humidity is 84%. The forecast provides comprehensive hour-by-hour and 14-day predictions for the region, showing a consistent pattern of clear weather and moderate temperatures throughout the period.

The air quality in South Africa is reported as acceptable, with a moderate health concern for a very small number of people who are unusually sensitive to air pollution. No pollen has been detected in the area.

Overall, the weather in South Africa is expected to be partly cloudy to mostly cloudy with moderate temperatures and winds throughout the forecast period. Residents and visitors should be prepared for some cloudy conditions and the possibility of occasional late-night showers on one of the days.

Key Takeaways

  • Partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions in South Africa, temps 12-26°C.
  • Winds 10-30 km/h from west, south, and southwest, 30% chance of late-night showers.
  • Highs around 19-24°C, lows around 12-13°C, with winds 8-40 km/h from various directions.
  • Forecast indicates clear skies, mild temps 15-20°C, and low wind speeds of 4 km/h.
  • Air quality is acceptable, with no significant pollen detected in the area.