St Thomas Parish in Jamaica Sees Economic Boom with New Infrastructure Projects

St Thomas, once Jamaica's "forgotten parish," is experiencing an economic resurgence driven by infrastructure, tourism, and urban development projects, transforming it into a thriving economic hub.

Nimrah Khatoon
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St Thomas Parish in Jamaica Sees Economic Boom with New Infrastructure Projects

St Thomas Parish in Jamaica Sees Economic Boom with New Infrastructure Projects

St Thomas, once known as Jamaica's "forgotten parish," is experiencing a remarkable economic resurgence in 2024, driven by significant infrastructure investments and tourism development initiatives.

The transformation is evident in the ongoing construction of a new four-lane highway connecting Harbour View in Kingston to Yallahs in St Thomas, which has already led to increased traffic and business activity in the area.

Local residents and business owners have expressed optimism about the positive impact of the highway project on the local economy. "The road is bringing more people into the parish, and we are seeing an increase in sales," said a local shop owner in Morant Bay, the capital of St Thomas.

In addition to the highway, the Jamaican government has committed to transforming St Thomas into a tourist destination. The Ministry of Tourism has announced plans to restore the historic Bath Fountain mineral spa and attract investments from international tourism companies like the TUI Group. These efforts aim to capitalize on the parish's natural beauty and untapped potential for eco-tourism and wellness tourism.

Another major development is the Morant Bay Urban Centre project, set for completion by September 2024. The project includes the construction of a new municipal building, a KFC restaurant, a bank, and a call center, which are expected to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the town center.

Why this matters: The economic revival of St Thomas parish has the potential to uplift the lives of its residents and contribute to Jamaica's overall economic growth. The successful completion of these infrastructure projects could serve as a model for sustainable development in other underserved areas of the country.

As St Thomas continues to shed its reputation as the "forgotten parish," the ongoing investments in infrastructure, tourism, and urban development are poised to create a thriving economic hub in eastern Jamaica. The parish's transformation is a testament to the power of targeted investments and collaborative efforts between the government and private sector in driving sustainable economic growth and improving the lives of local communities.

Key Takeaways

  • St Thomas, once Jamaica's "forgotten parish," is experiencing economic resurgence.
  • New 4-lane highway connecting Kingston to Yallahs has increased traffic and business.
  • Govt plans to transform St Thomas into a tourist destination with spa and investments.
  • Morant Bay Urban Centre project includes new municipal building, KFC, bank, and call center.
  • St Thomas's transformation could serve as a model for sustainable development in Jamaica.